Monday, March 8, 2010


I REALLY need to plant my garden today. That's going to be my main project today. But I also need to make some baby food before the pairs get too ripe. I did 5 jars of bananas on Sat. It was way easy and took hardly any time. Bananas don't need to be cooked so I just peeled 3 bananas (that I got for free from the R. S. dinner we had on Fri.) and I broke them up and threw them in the food processor and away they go! Once all the chunks were gone I spooned them into some clean Beech-nut jars and labeled them "bananas" and stuck them in the freezer. I love free baby food, or anything for that matter (just as long as it's not junk). Anyways, the pears will take a little longer because they have to be cooked, at least I think so. I''ll take pictures of the baby food and the garden to keep me on task. =)


  1. How do you do your garden? Do you do the square foot gardening thing or pots or a square in the backyard? What are you planting?

  2. We planted some zuccinni, acorn squash, butternut squash, honeydew, cucumbers, onion, spinach, cilantro, dill and parsley. So far I've had no luck with the acorn, butternut, honeydew and parsley. I plant seeds in pots so i can have them indoors at first, and then I transplant them into our rectangle outside. I need to go buy some tomato plants this week and plant those too. We have some neighbors that used PVC pipe and wire for their plants to grow on. We want to copy that.
